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Balance Bikes

Learning to ride a bike is a classic childhood memory. Balance bikes can help a child gain balance, leg strength and confidence as they learn to use bikes made for toddlers. Discover Bluey bikes, Huffy, Barbie and more!

Balance Bikes for Toddlers

Once a baby begins to walk or has started to take those first few steps, typically around the age of 12 months and above, balance bikes can be great to support a child's physical development. Balance bikes for kids can help a child practice their length strength, build their core muscles and enhance their hand-eye coordination as they push themselves using their feet while steering the handle.

How to Know What Size Balance Bike to Get?

The best way to know what bike to get your child will be by placing their feet flat on the ground, and measuring their inseam (with shoes on). Then compare that number with the saddle height for the bike you are thinking of. Our balance bike sizes come in 10", 12" & 14".