Top 5 Father’s Day Gifts

4 min read

Last Modified 1 June 2024 First Added 8 May 2024

Daisy profile picture

Author Daisy

Father’s Day is celebrated all around the world and, unlike Mother’s Day, is a fairly recent tradition dating back to the early 1900s. Arising out of a sad yet celebratory event that involved the loss of many men, mainly Father’s, this day seeks to honour the father figures in our life.

Traditions on Father’s Day

There are so many wonderful Father’s Day traditions that take place all around the world.

In Thailand, Father’s Day coincides with the birthday of the ruling King, who is considered ‘The Father of the Nation’. Along with listening to the King’s broadcast speech, the people wear the colour yellow to represent Monday (the day the King was born), and children spend the day handing out canna lilies to their father figures.

In Brazil, it’s a day to feast! Think all-you-can-eat barbecues, large feasts, and family time. As well as writing letters to their father, cooking up a storm is a big part of this celebration.

For Mexicans, a long run is on the cards for Father’s Day with Mexico City hosting a 21km race for the Día del Padre celebrations. Walking, jogging, or running with your loved ones is the perfect outdoor activity to bond and show appreciation for their dads and father figures.
We’ve got 5 top gifts ideas for Father’s Day, to celebrate how great he is!

1. Create a ‘Dad’ snack box

child feeding dad.

Perfect for a day in the office or an afternoon in the garden, a ‘Dad’ snack box should feature all of Dad’s favourite treats to keep him going.

Whether he has a sweet tooth or prefers the crunch of a savoury box, make sure to fill with all the snacks that remind you of him. And for that extra special touch, why not decorate the box with drawings and messages from the kids.

2. Set up a ‘Dad’ themed racecourse

Kids running with dad.

Come rain or shine, there’s always time to challenge Dad around an ultimate racecourse!

For inside races, mark the coolest and most challenging route round the house and position your vehicles of choice at the starting line – perhaps he’s a Hot Wheels enthusiast or enjoys the thrills of a remote-control car!

Ready, set, go – and they’re off, down the hallway and straight into the lounge whizzing past the cat into the kitchen. Weave through the table legs and head to the back door, where an epic U-turn is required. Neck and neck with Dad, whose racing skills will get them back to the starting line and make them the ultimate winner!

Or for outdoor fun, head into the garden or the park to see who can complete 5 laps the quickest on your bikes.

3. An afternoon of construction

Is Dad a big kid at heart?

Does he love to build LEGO or make wonderful creations with magnetics? For an afternoon of creativity that suits Dad and the kids alike, choose the perfect construction set to sit down and build together. And you can easily match his interests with themed sets, from LEGO Star Wars to LEGO Marvel.

4. Cook a special breakfast

Children have breakfast with dad.

Treat Dad to a leisurely morning and bring him breakfast in bed to let him know how special he is. The kids can help whip up a feast – whether it’s delicious pancakes or a classic mix of eggs and bacon – for Dad to enjoy. Whilst he eats, the kids can show him the cards they got him and read out their messages!

5. Make a homemade ‘Dad’ sign

To finish off his space, the kids can make Dad his very own personalised sign. Some good ideas could be ‘Dad’s Office’, ‘Dad’s Garage’, ‘Dad’s Shed’, ‘Dad’s Corner’. or shop our collection of toys for Dad!

They could paint a piece of wood and attach string to hang it in its place or use some cardboard and decorate with fun materials that would make Dad smile. Use all kinds of arts and crafts to make the sign really stand out with all of Dad’s favourite colours!

Whatever you decide to do to celebrate this Father’s Day, letting the kids get involved each step of the way will show how much they care!

Feeling inspired? Check out our ‘How to Create Your Own Family Traditions’ blog for more ideas on how to make each moment special!

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About the Author

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Our resident literary expert, Daisy White runs her own online book club and is passionate about reading and writing.

Her fun and informative writing style arms customers with everything they need to know about our products, making finding the perfect gift easy.

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