Nature’s Adventures: Fun Outdoor Learning for Children

7 min read

Last Modified 7 March 2025 First Added 31 May 2023

Author Emilie

What’s better than fresh air, the great outdoors, and your little one galloping in the grass?

Encouraging your children to take part in outdoor learning activities can aid in developing skills such as imagination and enhancing their senses.

Think about it this way, while your child is playing outdoors and using their creativity by building dens, bird feeders, or listening to the sounds of animals around them, they get the chance to truly enjoy what nature has to offer. (And they get to escape all the distractions of technology: screens, TV, laptops, tablets and so on.)

It has been proven that listening to birds singing can help overcome stress and anxiety. So, spending time outdoors and in touch with nature can be very beneficial for both children and grown-ups.

Listen to the sound of nature!

It’s the weekend and your child is climbing up the walls as if they’re Spiderman or Catwoman. Parents are always looking to find something to do so their children can canalise their energy and hopefully feel relaxed and tired at the end of a long day.

A nature sound walk could be the idea you are looking for. Off to the local park, forest, woods, or anything outdoorsy we go, where you can take part in some great outdoor learning with your children.

It is best to wear trainers or wellies (avoid flip flops or sandals, or your lovely trip might be cut short due to your child stepping onto something they should not have) and, depending on the season, waterproof attire might be the way to go if you want to spend the most of your outdoor experience dry.

During your walk, make regular stops to listen to the surroundings: branches cracking, birds chirping, squirrels squeaking. Play a game with your child to identify all the different sounds you hear.

You can also have a look at our outdoor toys to find the perfect toy or game to help you on this adventure!

Magnifying glass at the ready

Another idea is to go on a mini-beast hunt with the children and observe bugs and insects up close. Spring is the perfect season to do this.

There are items you can bring with you to make your little one’s mini-beast hunt experience unforgettable:

  • A pen and paper to take notes or draw what they see.
  • A magnifying glass to observe in detail insects and bugs.
  • A toy camera to immortalise what you see.
  • A bucket and a spade to dig and find even more underground.

Remember to leave nature as you found it!

Once back from your outdoor adventure, your little one can then turn it into something they will not forget by making a scrapbook out of the lovely photos and notes taken, and bits and bobs collected during the walk.

A great way to remember what they explored and be able to share these with family and friends.

Let’s make wildlife feel like home

While on your outdoor experience, you could have the opportunity to help animals – such as birds or squirrels – to enjoy their outdoor home even more by making things for them.

Help your little one to make a bird feeder out of a loo roll or kitchen roll. It is simple, all you need is:

  • A cardboard tube (loo roll or kitchen roll)
  • 2 long sticks or skewers
  • Some lard or peanut butter
  • Birdseed
  • Some string

How to proceed?

Start by making four holes in one end of your cardboard tube, these must be large enough for your sticks or skewers, but not so large that the sticks slide out.

Make sure the holes opposite each other line up so that you can thread your sticks through.
Next, make two small holes opposite each other at the other end of your tube. Use a butter knife or spatula to cover your roll in lard or peanut butter.

Place the seeds on a plate and roll the tube in birdseed so that they stick to the lard.

Finally, carefully thread the sticks through to make a cross shape, and thread a piece of string through the two top holes. Then you are ready to hang your feeder outside!

Make nature bracelets.

You might be wondering what this is. To put it very simply, that’s a bracelet made of things collected on your walk (leaves, flowers, acorns etc…).

What do I need and how to make one?

All you will need for this is a piece of duct tape placed on your child’s wrist, sticky side facing out. Now, head off for a walk and get your little one to pick up bits and pieces to stick onto the sticky side of the tape on their wrist.

It could be anything your heart desires, small leaves, big leaves cut in small pieces, whole flowers, petals, anything really.

Your child can find anything to add to their nature bracelet. This is a lovely way for you both to keep memories of your nature walks and a great way to develop your little one’s creativity and imagination.

Feel like investigating nature?

Take the opportunity, while on a walk, to observe and try to identify animal tracks. Whether you decide to go for a walk in the woods or by the sea, this is a great way to get your children to discover what nature has to offer.

When animals travel, they will leave prints also known as animal tracks. You can find tracks in mud, sand, or snow. Your child can take photos of the tracks or try to draw them, this can be a great way to add to your mysterious collection of animal prints and a chance to get closer to nature and awaken your little one’s interest in the great outdoor world.

You can also help your child find bird nests, usually, these are easier to spot in the winter due to trees having no leaves to obstruct the view. Talk your child through the importance of respecting birds and animals in general and making sure not to disturb or touch their habitats. (Don’t forget to fill the scrapbook with all your memories from this great adventure!)

Nature has its benefits

There are several benefits to exploring and discovering the outdoors. Parents who allow their children to wonder and play outdoors see immense improvements in their children’s mood and behaviour. It is also a great way to develop their independence and imagination.

This can help your children have a good night’s rest and be ready to take on new challenges the morning after.

If you do not have a garden, that will not make a difference in the slightest. All these activities can be done at your local park, woods or even while walking along the footpath. Nature is everywhere around us and you do not need a garden to take full advantage of what it has to offer!

Find your local park by clicking on this link: Find your local park or Find free local playgrounds, parks and play areas across the UK and get ready to go on an adventure and make great memories with your children.

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Fun toys to enjoy in the outdoors!

About the Author


With 7 years experience under her belt, veteran writer Emilie Biggio is a knowledgeable voice on everything Entertainer.

Her experience as a mother also gives her a unique perspective when it comes to choosing the perfect toys and gifts. 

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