7 Tips for Parenting Teenagers

8 min read

Last Modified 6 March 2024 First Added 31 May 2023

Author Heather

Parenting a teen is a very unique experience. It can be both rewarding and challenging, often at the same time.

It’s like riding a bike, but the bike is on fire, and you’re on fire, and everything is on fire.

We have put together a few teen parenting tips that can help you navigate the sometimes-rocky terrain with a little more ease.

In this blog, we will explore tips from spending more quality time together to respecting personal space, to resolving conflicts like a pro.

Grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s more your style) and let’s dive into the frantic world of connecting with your teen!

1. Spending Quality Time

Spending unconditional quality time with your teenager will be essential in forming a deeper connection. It is easier said than done, but it’s worth it.

Sometimes we are swamped with our busy schedules, alongside the kids being busy with after school club, it can be hard to find time to connect.

Prioritise Family Dinners

Firstly, you can make family dinners a priority. There’s something special about the entire family sharing a meal together and catching up on each other’s lives.

Studies have shown that families that eat together during dinner form stronger relationships and better communication skills.

So even if it’s once or twice throughout the week, be sure to make a point out of the family enjoying a home-cooked meal together!

Start A New Family Tradition

Another way to connect with your teenager is by creating a new family tradition.

Why not plan a new weekly movie night? Or games night! Even something as simple as, every Sunday, you join each other for a little walk.

The key here, is to keep this consistent. Eventually you will start looking forward to that special day and will naturally form a closer bond.

Connect Over Hobbies

Alternatively, you can try forming a connection through a shared hobby or interest.

Does your rebellious teen enjoy LEGO, Star Wars, or board games? Why not find something you can both enjoy!

Enjoying each other’s company will make or break your quality time together. Doing certain activities or hobbies will not only draw you closer to each other, but it will also assist your teen in developing new skills and maybe even interests.

Remember: Spending quality time doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Find small moments to connect, put your phones on silent, turn the TV off, and enjoy your time together!

Teen cooking with Gran.

2. Connecting with Teens Through Conversation

Starting a conversation with your teen and trying to get them to open up can sometimes feel like a daunting task. Especially when they seem more interested in TikTok videos than talking to you. (Don’t worry, many of us are in the same boat.)


First, and most importantly, it’s essential to listen. As our children’s protectors, we are often quick to jump in and offer advice or solutions to their problems.

But often all our teenagers are looking for is someone to listen to them.

When you actively listen, your teenager will naturally feel seen, heard, and feel like you value their thoughts and opinions. This can be a huge benefit to establishing your connection and building trust.

Encourage Open Communication

Creating a safe space for open communication can help your teenager in many positive ways.

Let your teen know they can come to you with anything, whether big or small.

Create a judgement-free zone where your teen can feel comfortable confiding in you. Try get the conversation following by asking simple questions, like “What’s on your mind?”.

3. Embracing The Era of Technology

Parents all over the world find it challenging at times to connect to their teens. Your teenagers are going through a period of immense change and growth, both mentally and physically.

Technology can be a great approach to connecting with your teen and bridge the gap between your hobbies and interests.

Share Social Media Accounts

Some may see this as a double-edged sword, as on one hand, you’ll be able to see what your teenager is up to and who they interact with. While on the other hand, it may be a source of stress and drama.

If you are going to share social media with each other, be sure to set boundaries and expectations for both of you!

For example, your teenager may ask you to not get involved in any ‘heated debates’ on their page.

Play Video Games Together

Alternatively, you can play videos games together or binge watch TV shows.

Video games are a huge part of teen culture. Find a controller and get ready to get schooled by your teens! (Unless you’re an experienced gamer.) Video games can bring you both closer whilst enhancing skills such as teamwork, patience, and problem solving!

Doesn’t sound too bad, right?

When using technology to form a bond with your teen, approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Don’t feel a certain way about asking your teen for help in understanding something, if anything, they will appreciate the opportunity of teaching you!

Family playing video game

4. Respecting Personal Space

As children become teenagers, it can become challenging to find middle ground between constantly wanting to be there for them and respecting their personal space.

Respect Their Boundaries

Establish boundaries with your teen to show them that you respect and value their opinions. As much as we all want to be involved with our teenagers, we need to remember that these little humans have their own thoughts, feelings, and personalities.

It’s perfectly normal for a parent to offer advice or support, however, we must remember to let our teenagers make their own choices and mistakes.

One way to respect their boundaries, is by giving them privacy. Knock before you enter their room, ask before you read their diary, and ask permission before moving their belongings.

These small things can build undeniable trust between the two of you.

Be Available & Supportive

It is equally important to let your teenagers know that you are available, for whenever they might need you.

We don’t mean hover around or watch your teens every step – but instead, make time to listen to their problems, ask about their day, and be there for support when they need it.

You want your teenager to feel like they can comfortably approach you for guidance or advice.

5. Navigating Conflicts Like A Pro

Conflict is inevitable, see it as an opportunity for growth and connection! Your teenager is trying to assert their independence whilst figuring out who they are and what they want. (Yes, they are at that stage; “I know it all!”)

Choose Your Battles

It’s absolutely normal to want to control or micromanage your teenager’s life, but you will be fighting a losing battle!

When conflicts arise, it’s important to ask yourself: “Do I really need to address this?”

If the conflict does not involve moral values or a safety concern, then maybe it’s best to let this one go! This doesn’t mean your teenager will get away with anything, and more about you controlling which battles take place.

Find Common Ground

The “It’s my way or the highway!” approach may not be as successful when trying to resolve issues with your teenager.

Consider trying to find some middle ground. Listen to their perspective, appreciate, and acknowledge their emotions, and then try to find a compromise that works for both of you.

Remember, the conflict is the problem, not each other.

Dad supports son.

6. Know When to Seek Professional Support.

It is normal for your teenager to have mood swings and stress.

But, if you begin noticing signs of distress over a prolonged period of time, maybe it’s time to seek professional help. Whether for counselling, therapy, school support or more family support.

Here are some signs to bear in mind:

  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Loss of appetite
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Increased irritability or anger
  • Persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness

If you notice any of these signs in your teenager, it’s important to take action and seek help.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Asking for help can be hard or you might feel helpless.

But it’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You have the strength to take action, and make a difference.

Know Your Limits

You do not have to do it all alone. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or feel like you can’t help your teenager in the way you want or they need, it’s okay to ask for help. You are doing all that you can.

7. Being the Best Parent You Can Be.

Being the best parent you can be requires a lot of patience, understanding, and a willingness to listen. Your mini-me needs you now more than ever. So, take the time to connect with them, listen to them, and stick by them.

Remember, parenting is not about portraying perfection, it’s about trying your best and learning every day.

So be kind to yourself, embrace the imperfections and enjoy this wild rollercoaster of a journey.

After all, we all grow up, so embrace the belly laughs, the tight hugs, and all the fun that comes with being a loving and supportive parent.

Want to look for a suitable present for your teen? Have a look at our Toys for Big Kids!

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Family hug.

About the Author


Expert in Copywriting

An experienced copywriter, Heather Aqel uses her broad knowledge and astounding vocabulary to write in-depth and enchanting pieces about fun activities, tips and tricks, and our products.

Heather also moonlights as a children’s author, writing magical stories to inspire and bring wonder to little ones.

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